Saturday, December 09, 2006

A True Understanding of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is a surgery used to reduce the volume of your stomach. It is one of two different surgeries that can accomplish a reduction in stomach volume; the other is known as gastric banding. A gastric bypass is the most common form of this type of surgery, as it has the proven ability to reduce weight faster. However, it should be noted that banding can be more easily reversed. After having this type of bypass surgery, the maximum capacity of your stomach is about 30 ml. It is imperative that after this surgery is performed that you reduce your food intake and begin to chew your food more thoroughly on each bite.

Some of the known benefits to this type of surgery are significant weight loss and the drastic reversal of sleep apnea and Type II diabetes. Unfortunately, each participant for a gastric bypass should be aware that there are some risks. A few of these risks, which are very uncommon, are failure of the respiratory system, bleeding, and staple leaking.

During all gastric surgeries, what occurs is that a new stomach is created, as a smaller size, from a series of staples in line with each other. They are then connected through a looping method to the small bowel. The typical amount of time that passes during this surgery is only about two hours. Most forms of this procedure are performed through what is known as laparoscopy. This is where instead of a large incision through the abdomen, there are several small cuts made, and a video camera is used to see inside. This creates less post-operation stress, pain, and leads to a faster recovery.

With all gastric bypass surgery procedures, you should plan on a brief hospital stay of two to three days. It is also possible that your absence from work range from three to six weeks in some cases. It will take a few days after you leave the hospital for your body to adjust itself properly to the operation, a time during which you will feel a bit discomforted, and will probably not wish to eat solid foods.

Not everyone is a candidate for this surgery. In order to fit the mold to have this surgery, you will need to have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40, which is well into the obese range. This number can be lowered to 35 if you have other contributing health risks such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. A gastric procedure such as this should only be used as a last resort when dieting and exercising have not given you results. The cost of this surgery can be in the range of $25,000-$50,000.

Further information about Gastric Bypass Surgery can be found at Gastric Bypass Info

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